seminarians 3
IMG 1446
Stained glass bible PM
NZCBC logo colour
The Six Bishops 8 November
DSC 0056
SLS Main
jubilee year 5 2
Flip book slide
The Six Bishops 8 November
Slide cover Te Kahu o Te Ora
Synod slide 2
Screenshot 2024 07 31 at 10.07.37AM
Baptism Statement paper copy

Media Releases

seminarians 3

National seminary welcomes 14 first-year students

Fourteen men have this month started their first year of formal studies for the priesthood at Holy Cross Seminary in…

IMG 1446

Bishops' pilgrimage celebrates faith passed down for generations

Hundreds of people who gathered to celebrate the anniversary of the first Mass celebrated on New Zealand soil have been…

Stained glass bible PM

Three bishops conferences join forces to revise Lectionary

The bishops’ conferences of Australia, Ireland and New Zealand are pooling their expertise and resources in a joint Lectionary project.

Archived Media Releases