Catholics around the country celebrate Respect for Life Sunday

Respect Life Sunday is an opportunity for Catholics to pray especially for the sanctity of life in all its stages, from conception through to natural death.

We are called to focus on promoting a culture of life in which every child born and unborn is cherished and loved within a caring family and community environment. We are also called to focus on promoting a culture of life in which every adult is valued and respected within a caring family and community environment until their natural death.

Today our nation faces difficult social challenges, we have a tragic youth suicide rate, and 270,000 children living in poverty with their families struggling to cope with the burden of daily life.
These both threaten life and people’s ability to have life to the full. Dignity of the human person demands that we are able to flourish not merely survive. God gives life, it is the most precious gift. Protecting life and enabling full human flourishing is the responsibility of every person.