Most recent items

Resources for Day of Prayer and Penance for Victims of Abuse and Violence
Each year, on the Friday after Ash Wednesday, the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference (NZCBC) calls us to commemorate a Day of… ()

Pastoral Letter on Occasion of Royal Commission Apology
In this week of apology, the Bishops of New Zealand renew our sincere and unconditional apology to victims of abuse in the…

National Calendar 2025
Key dates in the National Calendar of the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand for 2025.

Support Life Sunday 2024
The theme for Support Life Sunday 2024 on October 13 is Infinite Dignity

National Calendar 2024
Key dates in the National Calendar of the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand for 2024.

Te Kahu o te Ora - A Consistent Ethic of Life
We are pleased to offer to you, the Catholics of Aotearoa, a revised version of Te kahu o te ora – A…

National Assembly of Diocesan Priests 2023
National Assembly of Diocesan Priests 2023

Support Life Sunday 2023: Te Kahu o te Ora - A Consistent Ethic of Life
Te Kahu o te Ora - A Consistent Ethic of Life

Marian Synod Prayer for 31 May 2023
The National Liturgy Office has prepared a prayer for the Memorial of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the conclusion…

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 Resources
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated in the Southern Hemisphere between Ascension Sunday and Pentecost Sunday, so from 21…

Resources for Support Life Sunday 2022 – You are not alone: Accompanying and caring for people living with mental illness
“Mental illness is a major issue which touches every family in some way.

National Calendar 2023
Key dates in the National Calendar of the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand for 2023.
National Calendar 2022
Key dates in the National Calendar of the Catholic Church in New Zealand for 2022.

Apostolic Letter "Desiderio Desideravi" of the Holy Father Francis
Pope Francis has written the Apostolic Letter Desiderio Desideravi to recall the profound meaning of Eucharistic celebrations as they emerged from the…

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022 Resources
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated in the Southern Hemisphere between Ascension Sunday and Pentecost Sunday, thus from 29…

Jude McKee, Family carer: Now it’s my turn
People sometimes ask Jude McKee if her mother should be in a home.

Bijo John, Nurse: Whatever I can do, I do
Bijo John trained as a nurse in India and New Zealand, and has worked in both hospital and community nursing settings.

Kathleen Field, Hospital Chaplain: Life is fragile
Kathleen Field is a hospital chaplain who recognises that human beings understand very little about sickness and death.

Bernard Leuthart, General Practitioner: Supporting the life of the vulnerable
Dr Bernard Leuthart is a general practitioner and clinical director at Tui Ora, a Whānau Ora health and social services provider in…

Hariata Kahu, Drug & Alcohol counsellor: Belonging and connection
Hariata Kahu is a drug and alcohol counsellor at Te Tai o Marokura health and social services in Kaikōura and sees…

Aye Maung, L’Arche house leader: There are no barriers
Aye Maung is Rangimārie house leader at the Kāpiti L’Arche community.

Wendy Hill, Supporter of pregnant women
Wendy Hill is a counsellor, social worker and advocate.

Sr Lusini Falemaka: Health is part of our being
Support Life Sunday 2021 Sr Lusini Falemaka has practised as a nurse for over 30 years, training in Tonga before joining…

Support Life Sunday 2021: Supporting and honouring health carers
The theme of Support Life Sunday on 10 October is “Supporting and honouring health carers.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2021 Resources
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is celebrated in New Zealand between Ascension Sunday and Pentecost Sundays each year, so 16…