Bishop Michael Gielen invites Christchurch Catholics to help name new cathedral

Catholics in the Christchurch Diocese are being invited to suggest names for their new cathedral, helping Bishop Michael Gielen identify patronal name candidates.

The process of selecting a patronal name opened this weekend with the call for nominations issued at Masses across the Diocese.

Bishop Gielen said the cathedral naming will follow a similar rhythm to the one several parishes in Christchurch have undertaken in recent months to choose patronal names.

“While the naming of a Cathedral is a decision for the local Bishop, I wish to hear from the faithful to assist with my discernment.,” Bishop Gielen said in a pastoral letter read at parishes.

“By selecting a patron, we will choose someone on whom we can rely for intercession in our new Cathedral. We will be choosing someone whose life and example can inspire us and influence the building’s design.”

Over the next two weeks, nominations will be received via the diocesan website and through hard-copy forms at parishes. People are invited to provide a short explanation for their patronal name.

“I invite you to enter into your own consideration of a patron prayerfully, reflecting on how your choice can encourage, challenge and comfort the people of our Diocese,” Bishop Gielen said.

A short-list of candidates will be published after the initial round of nominations, with the opportunity to choose preferences from that list. Bishop Gielen will then undertake a period of prayer and discernment, working with key advisors to make a final decision, expected in late July.

The invitation for nominations outlines some global principles for the naming of a church or cathedral, as well as some local guidelines.

The latter include confirmation that nothing prevents the cathedral being named for the Blessed Sacrament, as the previous one was known. They also note that the cathedral won’t share the name of a parish or a church in the city that is still in use.

“I thank you for your ongoing prayers and support as we enter this historic moment in the life of our Diocese. May it be a time when we deepen our love of God and love of neighbour,” Bishop Gielen said.