2024 Online NZ Catholic Directory updated with a friendly new look

The online version of the popular New Zealand Catholic Directory has been upgraded with a new user-friendly layout and look.

Existing subscribers will have noticed the changes in recent days, says Mely Lau, the Directory’s administrator

“After a review and update, the online directory is now back in full operation with updated data and a change to how names and other information are displayed, to make it more user friendly,” she says. “Thank you, subscribers, for your patience as we have made these changes.”

The online edition of the Directory is fully up-to-date and will be updated regularly as people change positions, leave or arrive at the hundreds of Catholic parishes, schools and agencies in its listings.

Visit www.directory.catholic.org.nz to check it out and register to subscribe.

The online Directory costs $25.30 (GST inclusive) for 12 months’ access for each subscriber.

The Directory is also published in a spiral-bound printed booklet that costs $40 (including postage and GST). It is very handy, robust and laid out in a logical format with a good index. It is up-to-date to the moment of printing, with the 2024 edition being published last month.

You can subscribe to the print edition by sending an email with your name and details (including postal address) to: directory@nzcbc.org.nz
You can also subscribe to the online version via the same email address.

Top: Home page of the online NZ Catholic Directory.
Below: The printed 2024 Directory